Applications in Finland
Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) is a safe and cost-efficient method for production of drinking water. However, successful implementation requires a lot of expertise and data in hydrogeological and geophysical conditions. With over 100 years of experience and 25 plants in operation, Finnish water sector has proven to provide sustainable solutions for MAR applications.
Production rates in Finnish utilities are between 1 000 – 65 000 m3/d. Permits still allow production often up to 100 000 m3/d, enabling cities to respond to needs of growing population.
Key technical aspects
Ponds are the most common method for infiltration. Also pre-treatment is used in some cases. Accurate 3D flow models provide in-depth knowledge of flow paths in the groundwater reservoir, allowing complete control of the system, even during extreme weather events. Flow rates in the aquifer and in the network can be further adjusted with mid-storages and reservoirs. Finally, disinfection is often done with UV or chlorine before pumping the water to supply network.
Case example: Turku Region Water
Benefits of the system
Safe solution for several common challenges
– Raising or stabilizing groundwater level
– Preventing saline intrusion or land subsidence
– Managing stormwater runoff and floods
Cost-efficient technology for large scale water supply
– Natural method with minor chemical use
– Easily automated and remotely controlled process
– Large sub-surface storage capacity
Sustainable way of managing water resources
– Adapting to climate change
– Preparing for population growth
– Restoring and expanding the existing aquifer capacity
Where we can help you
Initial studies at potential production area
– First observation wells and geological studies
Further research and feasibility studies
– Infiltration and pumping tests, 3D groundwater flow model
Turnkey MAR plant delivery
– Design, Construction and Equipment
National scale-up and replication
– Towards Sustainable Development Goals
FWF members can provide all the required expertise for a MAR project.
Contact us to learn more about Finnish MAR expertise.