Finnish Water Forum brings together
companies, research, education and ministries
working with water issues.
In Finland, people can enjoy safe and clean water everywhere – from the lakes to the tap, and back.
Finland is the water richest country in the world, and we take good care of our resources. Anyone can swim and fish in the 187 888 lakes, from which 85 % are in good or excellent condition. 99,99 % of supplied water exceeds all the drinking water requirements. Finland ranks high in any indicators related to environment, well-being and cleantech.
Mission of FWF and our members is to find solutions for global water challenges, through Finnish know-how and technology.
Our network covers the versatile expertise of Finnish water sector, with over 130 companies, research institutes, universities and associations. They provide unique solutions and expertise to any water-related issues. FWF is a contact point for finding the right partners for your needs.
Water challenges are global, and so is our work.
FWF is building new partnerships and international cooperation all the time. We work closely with our partners around the world to develop cooperation and link the right partners for local needs.