Finnish Water Forum joins World Water Week 2023, taking place 20-24 August in Stockholm Waterfront, Sweden.
The World Water Week covers recent research, latest innovations and the water sector’s links to food security, health, technology, biodiversity and climate change. The conference brings together researchers, state actors, financial institutions, civil society organisations and private sector operators to seek together solutions for building a more water-wise future.
Finland’s first time as a co-convenor at World Water Week
For many years, Finland has taken an active part in the conference. This is the first year the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Finnish Water Forum are co-convening one of the seminar series as part of the official conference programme.
In addition to the seminar series, Finnish Water Forum co-hosts an exhibition presenting water solutions and expertise from Finland in collaboration with Geological Survey of Finland, Niras Finland and Resistomap. Welcome to register for the annual Finland Cocktail Reception, taking place August 22 at 18:30 (booth 4:04)!
Join the Seminar Series on Innovation and the Geopolitics of Water
The SIWI Seminar Series on Innovation and the Geopolitics of Water is part of the official programme of the World Water Week, organised by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finnish Water Forum, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), International Crisis Group (ICG), United States Institute of Peace (USIP) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Link to all seminars.
The Seminar Series focuses on digital change in the future of transboundary water cooperation and water diplomacy as preventive peace mediation. The session explores the emergence of new actors and approaches in the field of digital water diplomacy, with case studies from the Middle East and North Africa. Moreover, the session aims to spark discussion on the challenges and opportunities related to new technologies in multi-track peace mediation, promoting realization of human rights, local ownership, inclusivity, and transparency.
- SIWI Seminar (1/3): Innovation and the geopolitics of water – Sunday 20 August at 18:00-19:00 (Online)
How will innovation and new technology impact geopolitics across the globe and more specifically geopolitics of water? Join the first session of the “Innovation and the Geopolitics of Water” Seminar series, moderated by World Meteorological Organization’s Dr. Sulagna Mishra to learn more. The session will begin with opening remarks from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), who will present their insights on the topic and the key findings from WMO Annual State of Global Water Resources report for 2022 (to be launched in Sept. 2023). Link to all seminars. - SIWI Seminar (2/3): Innovation and the geopolitics of water – Monday 21 August at 17:00-18:30 (Hybrid)
The second session of the “Innovation and the Geopolitics of Water” Seminar Series will explore digital change in transboundary water cooperation and water diplomacy as preventive peace mediation with case studies from the Middle East and North Africa. The session focuses through regional examples on emerging technologies and approaches in water resources management and water related negotiations. Link to all seminars. - SIWI Seminar (3/3): Innovation and the geopolitics of water – Tuesday 22 August at 15:00-16:30 (Hybrid)
How will innovation and new technology impact geopolitics across the globe and more specifically geopolitics of water? This session will feature a panel of experts who will discuss the policy implications of using technology for monitoring water activities and its role in transboundary water negotiations. They will explore the challenges and opportunities presented by innovative technologies such as user-generated data and social media, and their potential impact on the future of digital connectivity. Link to all seminars.
Visit the Water Solutions and Expertise from Finland Showroom
Finnish Water Forum invites all stakeholders to visit the World Water Week exhibition presenting water solutions and expertise from Finland. During the week, visitors have the opportunity to meet experts from Geological Survey of Finland, Niras Finland and Resistomap, representing solutions for example in the fields of groundwater and managed aquifer recharge, monitoring antibiotic resistance and a wide range of development cooperation solutions based in water challenges.