Finnish Water Forum toimii maailmanlaajuisesti ja monet sen hankkeista ovat kansainvälisiä yhteistyöhankkeita. Alla on valikoima referensseistämme. Monia aiemmista projekteistamme ei ole lueteltu tässä luettelossa. Mikäli haluat tietää lisää referensseistämme tai toiminnasta tietyllä alueella tai ratkaisuista, ota ystävällisesti yhteyttä toimistoomme .
2024-2025: Water usage in battery production – economic and environmental analysis. Partners:
LUT University, Finnish Battery Industries, Kemira Oy, Metso Oyj, Andritz Oy, Kymen Vesi Oy, Geological Survey of Finland.
Funding: EU Recovery and Resilience Facility.
2023-2025: Developing and testing a transferable and replicable operating model for enhancing the water-smartness of food systems, including regenerative farming perspectives. Partners:
Invenire Oy.
Funding: EU Recovery and Resilience Facility
2022-2024: Development of a Water Stewardship service model for SMEs. Partners: Suomen vesistösäätiö, SYKE Finnish Environment Institute,GAIA Oy, Pyhäjärvi-institute, Rapid Action Group.
Funding: EU Recovery and Resilience Facility.
2020-2023: International R&D project “Smart Water Management”. Developing and piloting smart water solutions at water facilities within Finland, India, Poland, Belgium and Australia. Partners: Nokia Veturi Program.
Funded by Business Finland (State Agency under Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment).
Annual participation at Stockholm World Water Week.
2015-2018: Strengthening the Central Baltic Region’s economic competitiveness by creating commercially targeted open innovation platforms between Latvia and Finland. The focus areas are in sustainable eco-efficiency and water expertise solution needs in Central-Asia. Partners: Cleantech Latvia.
Funded by Interreg EU.
Finland Pavilion at the IFAT Munchen exhibition.
Workshops in water resource management with Association for Ukrainian Water Utilities and Ukrainian Water Association.
South Africa
2023-2025: WETA – Water Ecosystems to Africa. Developing three independent water treatment systems utilizing magnetic water treatment (MWT) technology to manage scale formation on pipe surfaces, assess its impact, and enhance energy efficiency in a real-world setting. Partners: SAMK-WANDER Research center, IntoLead Oy, Bauer Solutions Oy, DEWA Oy.
Funding: EU Recovery and Resilience Facility.
2022: Mapping of opportunities and funding possibilities for novel water management solutions, especially for waterrecycling and managed aquifer recharge in Kenya. Partners: Geological Survey of Finland.
Funding: Business Finland (State Agency under Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.)
MENA -alue
2023-2025: Capacity Building and Knowledge Transfer: Develop a sustainable framework for continuous knowledge transfer and capacity building within Egypt's water sector. Partners: Three Finnish universities of applied sciences, HAMK, Metropolia AMK and Laurea AMK.
Funding: Finnpartnership Business Partnership support.
2020-2023: R&D consortium "Strategic Planning For Water Resources And Implementation Of Novel Biotechnical Treatment Solutions and Good Practices". Partners: Arctic University of Norway (UiT), IIT Guwahati, University of Pecs, IIT Kharagpur, INESC Tec Portugal, IIT BHU Varanasi, SINTEF Narvik, SRKR Engineering College, DR DY Patil School of Engineering, Enviroinvest Corp., Elixiir Ecobiotek, and Palavi Trust.
Funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union and the Department of Biotechnology of the Government of India.
2020- Now: The R&D consortium produced the Indo Nordic Water Forum, a non-profit North-South water stakeholder platform between the Nordics (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark) and India.
2016-2017: Finnish Industrial Water Treatment Demonstration project in Zhejiang, China – Feasibility Study.
Funding: Business Finland (State Agency under Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.)
2019-2021: “WASH project” in Vietnam, Developing Water and Sanitation sector in Vietnam through new partnerships.
Funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.
2013 - ongoing Finland Pavilion at VietWater and Vietnam Water Week.
2022 Water Utility Leadership Training in Finland tailored for Vietnamese water utility managers. Partner: Vietnam Water Supply and Sewerage Association.
2023 Water Utility Leadership Training in Finland tailored for Vietnamese water utility managers. Partner: Vietnam Water Supply and Sewerage Association.
2022-2023:Water monitoring study in Kyrgyzstan.
Funded by UNDP Kyrgyzstan.
2023-2025: Dam safety project to Central Asia / Kazakstan and Uzbekistan. Partners: Kajaani University of Applied Sciences.
Funded by EU Recovery and Resilience Facility.
2023-2025: Dam safety project to Central Asia / Kazakstan and Uzbekistan. Partners: Kajaani University of Applied Sciences.
Funded by EU Recovery and Resilience Facility.
Dominican Republic
2021: Circular economy solutions for water sector seminar and training in Dominican Republic.
Funded by UNDP and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.